Final inspection to our IRC in Sliyeg before Presidential visit. We re-checked the machines, the building, the environment, etc.

Today, we got some visits from some military & governmental agencies, to check our preparations to the event.


  • 2018-06-04

On-site meeting at Majasari village to speed up the preparation of agricultural processing facilities in sub-district Sliyeg of Indramayu.

  • 2018-03-31

Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the IEEE Indonesia Section, with the current Indonesia Section Chair, Prof Fitri Yuli Zulkifli, and all Executive Committee Members & activists of the IEEE in Indonesia; in Universitas Indonesia.

We work hard with trust, commitment, and togetherness to build up this organisation from almost nothing (even just 10 years ago) to be a professional organisation highly honoured for its contribution in Indonesia.

  • 2018-03-17

Some surveys to find the best location for building a crops processing centre for our Agricultural Empowerment program (including Agricultural Digitalisation). The surveys were conducted in Indramayu, including the sub-districts of Sliyeg, Jatibarang, and Haurgeulis.

  • 2018-02-06