Batik Day

On October 2nd, Indonesian people celebrate the Batik Day, wearing colourful batik in our daily activities, to strengthen our commitment to our cultural heritage and creative economy driver. Here we are, the Synergy team of Telkom Indonesia.

We should declare another day for Tenun Day, one day.

Q4 Planning

The 1st day of Q4/2024, my small team had a lunch meeting to explore the situation of the Q4 with obviously-increasing uncertainties and economic slowdowns. Well-developed ecosystem-based business will be expanded with more channels and selected strategic partners, while slowly-developed business will be temporarily repositioned as less- or non-customisable solutions to sell directly.

TEMSCON 2024 — Panel Discussion

Panel session at the IEEE TEMSCON 2024, presenting Marc Schlichtner as speaker, Robert Bierwolf as moderator, and Alexander Brem, Anna Tyshetskaya, and yours truly as panelists. The topic was “accelerating innovation for sustainable future”. We discussed the role of digital transformations in business & societal innovations, both in so-called developed & developing nations, maximising strategic collaborations to overcome the uncertainties, share capabilities & risks, gain market development momenta, and create optimal values through emergence effects of ecosystems. Again, an honour for me to be placed among the giants in Technology & Engineering Management world.

TEMSCON — Keynote Speech

The IEEE TEMSCON 2024 have a special day for Industry forum, with some speakers anchoring panel discussions. Yours truly was appointed as one of the keynote speakers, presenting Complexity Theory in the form of Complex Adaptive System to Ecosystem-based business strategy. Happily I got exciting praises & feedbacks from “the giants” (as is Newton’s “standing on the shoulders of the giants”). Will tell in detail in my other blog ( You can also visit my web on Complexity at

I had also some exciting talk with two vice rectors of ITS, i.e. Prof Agus Hatta and Prof Imam Baihaqi. They invited to explore this matter in depth with ITS team sometimes in Surabaya. My pleasure, Profs.

FGD RPJMN Bappenas

Today we carried out a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the Direction of Digital Infrastructure Development in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2025-2029. The forum was led by Director for Electricity, Telecommunications, and Informatics, of Bappenas, Dr Taufiq Hidayat Putra.

Double Whoosh

Double Whoosh at Tegalluar Station, Bandung.


Thanks you Indonesian-style education, we continuously see the decline of book industry including book market in Indonesia. Today I visited Palasari — a book market I used to visit regularly in Bandung. Many kiosques have been closed, leaving an almost empty corridor among the closed doors.

Happily I still found a bookseller I with whom I used to spend my time to talk about books here. His book collection in now limited — made it difficult for me to buy books from him. But I’m happy he’s still healthy, and faithfully runs his business with books here.

Financing for Ecosystem-based Business

Bank Raya is a subsidiary of BRI that serves as the spearhead in BRI’s transformation to form a strong digital bank. One of BRI’s directives for Bank Raya is to grow with collaborations that are utilising the strength of state-owned enterprises or other national industries with leading capabilities in developing ecosystem-based digital platforms — which inevitably refers to the Telkom Group. After Bank Raya’s General Meeting of Shareholders, the Director of Agriculture & Financing of Bank Raya invited us to design a piloting collaboration of the ecosystem-based business developed by Telkom Indonesia that are requiring financing for the communities as the strongest elements of the ecosystems. We presented several ecosystems we are developing and some quick win plans with aligned with risk appetite of both corporates, to be expanded later into a more comprehensive transformation. The meeting was fruitful, expected to yield maximum results.

IEEE Briefing

IEEE Briefing was led by the IEEE President of 2024, Dr Tom Coughlin, while he paid a visit to Jakarta this week, accompanied by IEEE R10 Director Prof. Lance Fung, IEEE R10 Director-Elect Prof. Takako Hashimoto, IEEE R10 Women-in-Engineering Committee Chair Dr Agnes Irwanti, IEEE Malaysia Section Chair Dr Bernard Lim, and IEEE Indonesia Section Chair Prof. Gamantyo Hendrantoro. As part of the leadership activities, this IEEE briefing was held on the morning of May 14, followed by a talkshow broadcasted by TVRI.

The New Avengers

The halbil of The New Avengers

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