Category: IEEE

TEMSCON 2024 — Panel Discussion

Panel session at the IEEE TEMSCON 2024, presenting Marc Schlichtner as speaker, Robert Bierwolf as moderator, and Alexander Brem, Anna Tyshetskaya, and yours truly as panelists. The topic was “accelerating innovation for sustainable future”. We discussed the role of digital transformations in business & societal innovations, both in so-called developed & developing nations, maximising strategic collaborations to overcome the uncertainties, share capabilities & risks, gain market development momenta, and create optimal values through emergence effects of ecosystems. Again, an honour for me to be placed among the giants in Technology & Engineering Management world.

TEMSCON — Keynote Speech

The IEEE TEMSCON 2024 have a special day for Industry forum, with some speakers anchoring panel discussions. Yours truly was appointed as one of the keynote speakers, presenting Complexity Theory in the form of Complex Adaptive System to Ecosystem-based business strategy. Happily I got exciting praises & feedbacks from “the giants” (as is Newton’s “standing on the shoulders of the giants”). Will tell in detail in my other blog ( You can also visit my web on Complexity at

I had also some exciting talk with two vice rectors of ITS, i.e. Prof Agus Hatta and Prof Imam Baihaqi. They invited to explore this matter in depth with ITS team sometimes in Surabaya. My pleasure, Profs.

IEEE Briefing

IEEE Briefing was led by the IEEE President of 2024, Dr Tom Coughlin, while he paid a visit to Jakarta this week, accompanied by IEEE R10 Director Prof. Lance Fung, IEEE R10 Director-Elect Prof. Takako Hashimoto, IEEE R10 Women-in-Engineering Committee Chair Dr Agnes Irwanti, IEEE Malaysia Section Chair Dr Bernard Lim, and IEEE Indonesia Section Chair Prof. Gamantyo Hendrantoro. As part of the leadership activities, this IEEE briefing was held on the morning of May 14, followed by a talkshow broadcasted by TVRI.

Inauguration of Prof Ford Lumban Gaol

Prof Ford Lumban Gaol was the Vice Chair when I serves as the Chairman of the IEEE Indonesia Section 2013-2015. He & I also co-lead the IEEE Tensymp 2016 in Bali. Then he experienced a lot as a visiting lecture in Russia and Japan. But today, we celebrate his inauguration as a Professor of Computer Science at the Binus University.

Dr Agnes, Prof Ford, Yours Truly — a reunion of 2013’s cabinet of the IEEE Indonesia Section

The inauguration was led by the Rector of Binus University, Dr. Nelly; and also attended by the Chair of the Senate Prof Harjanto Prabowo. Prof Harjanto mentioned that Prof Ford is the one who established Doctorate Program in Computer Science at Binus University.

As usual, the IEEE gang, i.e. the members of the Advisory Board and Executive Committee plus some other IEEE volunteers attended this inauguration as a special participants. Attended today: Prof Endra, Prof Dadang, Dr Wahidin, Dr Agnes, Mr Satriyo, and surely yours truly.

Serendipitously, I also met Dr Indra Utoyo as one of the speech presented, representing a community in Big Data development.

Dr Indra presented the collaborative innovation in Big Data-focused digital development and its influence to the society.

The ceremony was carried out ½ day, and continued by informal meetings & photo sessions.

IEEE ASEAN Round Table on Climate Change

As a part of the IEEE President visit to Indonesia, the IEEE Indonesia Section co-organise with TVRI, an on-air discussion titled the IEEE ASEAN Roundtable on Climate Change.

As one of the speaker, I explored the opportunity of using currently available or currently developed technology to reduce and overcome the impact of the climate change. Climate change is always one of the motivations behind many collaborative innovations in the development of technology and technology-based business.

In more applicative approach in the industry, the paradigm of of ecosystem-based business growth has motivated enterprises to share capabilities, resources, opportunities, so they can reduce the cost and risk, while also reduce the cost for the environment by many sharing methods used in business ecosystems, facilitated by massive digitalisation that enables process and capabilities to be modularised, reused, integrated, improved, and orchestrated among collaborative or event competitive businesses.

More about this event: [URL]

TEMS Regional Leadership Meeting

TEMS — or the IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society — is an IEEE society with a mission to advance, enhance, and improve essential management and leadership knowledge and skills of IEEE members.

The IEEE TEMS Regional Leaders Subcommittee carried out its 1st meeting this year today, with a new team. This meeting was led by Mohamed Aboud, the VP for Membership Development. The TEMS President, Ravikiran Annaswamy, addressed the meeting.

The meeting aims to leverage the program to leverage the TEMS activities in wider areas, and to improve collaborations among TEMS members in engineering management and leadership field. Our field of interest encompasses the management sciences and practices required for defining, implementing, and managing engineering and technology. Specific topics of interest include technology policy development, assessment, and transfer; research; product design and development; manufacturing operations; innovation and entrepreneurship; program and project management; strategy; education and training; organisational development and human behavior; transitioning to management; and the socioeconomic impact of engineering and technology management.

Indonesian Computer Society Gathering

The IEEE Computer Society Indonesia Chapter has carried out a member gathering today. Apparently, during the COVID-19 crises, it is not very easy to organise such meeting, albeit an online one — so this gathering presented no less than six presenters; two of which are Prof Cecilia Meras, the Past President of the IEEE Computer Society, and yours truly.

My presentation was titled «Digital Platforms for Society Resilience in Time of Crises». We have understood that these crises have motivated businesses to plan, do, or speed up some kinds of digital transformation. But the transformation should not only stop at adapting the business to the new situations — whatever they are. Instead, it is actually a just-in-time context to design a strategic transformation by exploring the new opportunities and using potential collaborative innovations. In theory, we have all we need to start establishing it with synergistic efforts.

IEEE Leadership Summit: Engineering in Covid-19 Crises

The IEEE Indonesia Section has successfully organised IEEE Leadership Summit: Engineering in Covid-19 Crises. This seminar was opened by the IEEE Region 10 Director, Prof Akinori Nishihara; with Minister of Research and Technology, Prof Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro as the keynote speaker; and yours truly and Dr Ford Lumban Gaol as the host.

The other prominent speakers on this seminar, are: Dr Chris Lee (IEEE R10 Industry Relation Coord), Patrick Liew, Dr Denny Setiawan (Ministry of Communications & Informatics), Arief Hamdani Gunawan (Telkom Indonesia), Deepak Mathur (IEEE R10 Director-Elect). The summit was fully supported by the IEEE R10 and the IEEE Singapore office.

The next summit will be carried out on June 2020.

IEEE 2020

Just made a renewal for my IEEE membership in 2020. I hope somehow it is still useful & meaningful for the profession.

IEEE R10 Professional Activity Mini-Conference

IEEE R10 Professional Activity Mini-Conference was carried out today in Margo Depok. The speakers are Prof Akinori Nishihara (Director of IEEE R10), Prof Takako Hashimoto (Secretary of IEEE 10 Excom), Nirmal Nair (Professional Activity Coord of IEEE 10), Prof Kalamullah Ramli (Univ of Indonesia), and yours truly. Also attended this event: Emi Yano (IEEE R10 WIE Coordinator), Prakash Lohana (IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Coordinator), etc.

The title of my presentation: Smart City — a context for digital ecosystem collaborative development.

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