R10 SYWL Congress

The IEEE Region 10 SYWL (Students, Young Professionals, Women, and Lifetime Member) Congress was carried out in Sanur, Indonesia. I only made a very short visit to this congress. The IEEE President — Jim Jefferies — wanted to meet the Excom & Advisory Board of the IEEE Indonesia Section.

I guess this is the second time I met an active IEEE President in Indonesia — after I met Peter Staecker in 2013, also in Bali island. But we have been visited by many President Elected and Past Presidents in the last decade only.

Idul Fitri 1439

Id Mubarak!

The Presidential Visit

H.E. President of the Republic of Indonesia, paid a visit to our IRC in Sliyeg Indramayu while also announcing the Corporated Agriculture program.


Sliyeg Final Review

D-1: Everything is rechecked, reviewed, reinspected, reassessed …

IRC Final Inspection

Final inspection to our IRC in Sliyeg before Presidential visit. We re-checked the machines, the building, the environment, etc.

Today, we got some visits from some military & governmental agencies, to check our preparations to the event.


Presidential Visit Preparation

Attending a meeting in Presidential Palace to prepare Presidential visit to our IRC in Sliyeg.

National Library

Another visit to the National Library

National Library

A visit to the National Library.


Light sport session at Senayan, with some awd pals.

Meeting at IRC Sliyeg

On-site meeting at Majasari village to speed up the preparation of agricultural processing facilities in sub-district Sliyeg of Indramayu.

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