
Today I attended a zoominar discussing business opportunities and challenges between Indonesia and Russia amid the current crises. The organiser is Inaris Forum, and the speakers were the representatives from the government and business.

Before Russian invasion to Ukraine last year, the economic relationship between Indonesia and Russia had been developing steadily, although the total trade was relatively small. According to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Trade, the total bilateral trade volume between the two countries in 2020 was valued at approximately US$ 2.62 billion, with Indonesia recording a trade surplus of around US$ 400 million.

The total value of exports from Indonesia to Russia in 2020 was approximately US$ 1.25 billion, while the value of imports from Russia to Indonesia was around USD 1.37 billion. The biggest export from Indonesia to Russia was palm oil, which accounted for around 57% of total Indonesian exports to Russia. Other significant exports from Indonesia to Russia included rubber, coffee, tea, and textiles. Russia’s main exports to Indonesia were wheat, coal, aluminium, and fertilisers.

  • 2023-04-14

This weekend, Mr Ford asked me to provide a presentation in a forum organised by the SFedU. The title of the forum is «Круглый Стол : Развитие Компаний в Период COVID-19: Вызовы и Возможнпсти» — or more or less: Round Table: Business development in the COVID-19 era: challenges and opportunities. SFedU, or Southern Federal University (Южный федеральный университет = ЮФУ) is a university in Rostov Oblast, Russia, with campuses located at Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog.

The speakers for this forum are from the academicians and business people from Japan, Italy, Thailand, and Indonesia.

In my presentation, I discussed again how these COVID-19 crises actually provide some contexts for us to design a strategic transformation by exploring the new opportunities and using potential collaborative innovations. In theory, we have all we need to start establishing it with synergistic efforts. I described in brief the way we can start planning the ecosystem.

  • 2020-10-31