Smart City

IEEE R10 Professional Activity Mini-Conference was carried out today in Margo Depok. The speakers are Prof Akinori Nishihara (Director of IEEE R10), Prof Takako Hashimoto (Secretary of IEEE 10 Excom), Nirmal Nair (Professional Activity Coord of IEEE 10), Prof Kalamullah Ramli (Univ of Indonesia), and yours truly. Also attended this event: Emi Yano (IEEE R10 WIE Coordinator), Prakash Lohana (IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Coordinator), etc.

The title of my presentation: Smart City — a context for digital ecosystem collaborative development.

  • 2019-11-12


Today, the UK Embassy — with British Council & IABA — carried out a thematic discussion on Smart Cities Beyond ICT-Based Cities, in Panghegar Hotel, Bandung. I happened to be in Bandung after the IEEE Lecture at Telkom University, so I attended this event. The speakers were Prof Suhono (ICT), Prof Haryo (Planology), & Ms Heni (City Management), with Ms Mira as the moderator.


Before leaving, we have small informal chats about the progress of some Smart City initiatives in Indonesia.

  • 2016-10-27


As a part of ICSGTEIS 2016 (International Conference on Smart-Green Technology in Electrical and Information Systems) organised by Udayana University – and surely sponsored by the IEEE – the IEEE SB Udayana University carried out a workshop on Internet of Things for Smart City, on Saturday 08 October 2016. I was representing the IEEE Indonesia Section to provide a keynote speech on this workshop, with a lecture titled Internet-of-Everything Architecture for Smart City.

BTW, I wore a batik shirt with a motive called “Batik Kuncoro” :). Google it.


  • 2016-10-08