Tag: IEEE Page 2 of 3


Social visit to Asakusa, after the IEEE Region 10 Annual General Meeting 2017.

Lunch with IEEE R10 Director

 Had lunch with the IEEE Region 10 Director, Prof Kukjin Chun

IEEE R10 Excom Meeting

IEEE Region 10 (Asia Pacific) Executive Committee has just carried out its annual meeting in Hongkong, 21 January 2017. This new cabinet is led by Director Prof Kukjin Chun.

I serve in this Executive Committee as the Industry Relations Coordinator for the years 2017–2017.

IEEE Lecture in Telkom University


IEEE Telkom University Student Branch — the most active IEEE Student Branch in Indonesia — invited me to give an IEEE Lecture to their officers & new students (from Electronics engineering, IT, business, etc); in Telkom University, Thursday night. The title of my presentation was Engineers Opportunity in Disruptive Ecosystem; with some information about Telkom’s Indigo program for digital startups.




As a part of ICSGTEIS 2016 (International Conference on Smart-Green Technology in Electrical and Information Systems) organised by Udayana University – and surely sponsored by the IEEE – the IEEE SB Udayana University carried out a workshop on Internet of Things for Smart City, on Saturday 08 October 2016. I was representing the IEEE Indonesia Section to provide a keynote speech on this workshop, with a lecture titled Internet-of-Everything Architecture for Smart City.

BTW, I wore a batik shirt with a motive called “Batik Kuncoro” :). Google it.


Binus Lecture on Digital Platform Architecture


Still in IEEE Day Celebration. We made a special IEEE Lecture on Collaborative Platform Architecture for Digital Experience, in Bina Nusantara University. Dr Ford Lumban Gaol (IEEE Indonesia Section Vice Chair) opened the event, and I provided the presentation. Thanks, all Binus students (s2 / S3) & academicians.

IEEE Renewal 2017

Koen Membership 2017

My new IEEE membership card for the year 2017.



Representing the IEEE Indonesia Section, presenting at IEEE VTS APWCS Board of Governor meeting, in Tokyo City University (東京都市大学), Setagaya, Tokyo, 25 August 2016.

Other pictures:

(1) With Prof Mamoru Sawahashi, the General Chair of APWCS 2016


(2) With Prof Li-Chun Wang, the Chairman of APWCS BoG


(3) With the BoG of IEEE VTS APWCS


IEEE Appreciation

IEEE Section Chair Appreciation

Just received a Certificate of Appreciation for my services as the IEEE Indonesia Section Chair 2013–2015, signed by then-President of the IEEE. Thanks, IEEE.



Dinner after finishing IEEE TENSYMP 2016 Report

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