BBI Q4/2020

BBI (Bangga Buatan Indonesia) is a coordinative & collaborative programs to improve the economy and commercialisation of national products with special emphasis on MSME products, led by the Government of Indonesia — in this case the Coordinative Minister of Maritime and Investment (Menkomarves). Telkom is actively involved in this program via its MSME Digital Ecosystem programs, incl PADI UMKM and Rumah BUMN.

This year, some footholds have been established, including the BBI program itself, PADI UMKM & Bela Pengadaan, and some programs related to MSME in Creative Economy and Maritime & Fishery. For Telkom, the main role is to build, establish, and expand the platform-based digital ecosystem for MSME business, including their development and economic improvement.

The next thing to do is to build a context for integration among those separated systems and applications, to establish a real ecosystem supported with integrated information and platform, where all programs and activities could provide mutual support in leveraging different segments of MSMEs, including small and medium business in agriculture, fishery, forestry, creative industry, etc.

Круглый Стол в ЮФУ

This weekend, Mr Ford asked me to provide a presentation in a forum organised by the SFedU. The title of the forum is «Круглый Стол : Развитие Компаний в Период COVID-19: Вызовы и Возможнпсти» — or more or less: Round Table: Business development in the COVID-19 era: challenges and opportunities. SFedU, or Southern Federal University (Южный федеральный университет = ЮФУ) is a university in Rostov Oblast, Russia, with campuses located at Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog.

The speakers for this forum are from the academicians and business people from Japan, Italy, Thailand, and Indonesia.

In my presentation, I discussed again how these COVID-19 crises actually provide some contexts for us to design a strategic transformation by exploring the new opportunities and using potential collaborative innovations. In theory, we have all we need to start establishing it with synergistic efforts. I described in brief the way we can start planning the ecosystem.

Indonesian Computer Society Gathering

The IEEE Computer Society Indonesia Chapter has carried out a member gathering today. Apparently, during the COVID-19 crises, it is not very easy to organise such meeting, albeit an online one — so this gathering presented no less than six presenters; two of which are Prof Cecilia Meras, the Past President of the IEEE Computer Society, and yours truly.

My presentation was titled «Digital Platforms for Society Resilience in Time of Crises». We have understood that these crises have motivated businesses to plan, do, or speed up some kinds of digital transformation. But the transformation should not only stop at adapting the business to the new situations — whatever they are. Instead, it is actually a just-in-time context to design a strategic transformation by exploring the new opportunities and using potential collaborative innovations. In theory, we have all we need to start establishing it with synergistic efforts.

IEEE Leadership Summit: Engineering in Covid-19 Crises

The IEEE Indonesia Section has successfully organised IEEE Leadership Summit: Engineering in Covid-19 Crises. This seminar was opened by the IEEE Region 10 Director, Prof Akinori Nishihara; with Minister of Research and Technology, Prof Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro as the keynote speaker; and yours truly and Dr Ford Lumban Gaol as the host.

The other prominent speakers on this seminar, are: Dr Chris Lee (IEEE R10 Industry Relation Coord), Patrick Liew, Dr Denny Setiawan (Ministry of Communications & Informatics), Arief Hamdani Gunawan (Telkom Indonesia), Deepak Mathur (IEEE R10 Director-Elect). The summit was fully supported by the IEEE R10 and the IEEE Singapore office.

The next summit will be carried out on June 2020.

IEEE 2020

Just made a renewal for my IEEE membership in 2020. I hope somehow it is still useful & meaningful for the profession.

IEEE R10 Professional Activity Mini-Conference

IEEE R10 Professional Activity Mini-Conference was carried out today in Margo Depok. The speakers are Prof Akinori Nishihara (Director of IEEE R10), Prof Takako Hashimoto (Secretary of IEEE 10 Excom), Nirmal Nair (Professional Activity Coord of IEEE 10), Prof Kalamullah Ramli (Univ of Indonesia), and yours truly. Also attended this event: Emi Yano (IEEE R10 WIE Coordinator), Prakash Lohana (IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Coordinator), etc.

The title of my presentation: Smart City — a context for digital ecosystem collaborative development.

AS Consulting

AS Consulting summit at Pacific Place this morning :).

ELKP Summit

ELKP Summit in Cirebon today, attended by CEOs and other BOD members of SOEs under Deputy ELKP of the Ministry of SOE.

Took a pics with CEO of Pelindo I, Mr Dian Rachmawan, among the busy sessions.



The last day, we presented all things we learnt here, in the form of a business case.

… then spending the remaining time to learn business ethics ….

…. and attending the closing ceremony.

To be the best, to be the star, to be the winner!!

Shooting Games

Imagine — Focus — Action. Those key behaviours are written — firm & clear — on the wall of the shooting arena. This morning we learn our prominent practices to be the winner here. The instructions are clear: set your imagination as a winner, put focus on your target, and once you’re there … with no doubt …. with confidence & only confidence to your commitment & competence …. action! Timely! No doubt!

And the winner this morning is yours truly. Thank you, everybody.

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