September 2022 edition of BBI will be carried out in North Maluku — a province surrounding Northern Moluccas islands. Northern Moluccas was once a central source of global trade even since the Roman era. But currently the economy of this area is not so significant comparing to other areas. With this BBI program, we intend to leverage the MSME economy in these islands.

The campaign manager of this program is The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendesa PDTT). The leader for this program is Ms Harlina Sulistyorini, the DG of Economy Development & Investment.

Telkom will support this program by providing MSME build up program (in collaboration with BNI and other state-owned enterprises) integrated with digital business transformation for the MSME, and a virtual expo to display and promote curated MSME products.