BBI Lampung

Welcome to Tegal Mas Island in Lampung Province. Here we were attending the June edition of Gernas BBI, organised by Ministry of Industry and the Indonesian top brands, including Telkom Indonesia.

This event was attended by Coord Minister of Maritime & Investment, Mr Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, as the key speaker.

The main event here — at least for me personally — was the Coordinative Meeting (Rakor) of P3DN program, also led by Mr Luhut. Here Telkom got more roles in the nationwide P3DN program, after proving our commitment to the program in the last months. We’ll talk about it later, but not here. This is not my main blog, anyway :).

On the Garuda flight home, I got a seat just beside Mr Sudarto, the Advisor of the Minister of Finance. We spent about 30 minutes of the flight between Lampung and Jakarta on the continuation of this program; and the sustainability of the program in general.

BBI Prep for North Maluku

September 2022 edition of BBI will be carried out in North Maluku — a province surrounding Northern Moluccas islands. Northern Moluccas was once a central source of global trade even since the Roman era. But currently the economy of this area is not so significant comparing to other areas. With this BBI program, we intend to leverage the MSME economy in these islands.

The campaign manager of this program is The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendesa PDTT). The leader for this program is Ms Harlina Sulistyorini, the DG of Economy Development & Investment.

Telkom will support this program by providing MSME build up program (in collaboration with BNI and other state-owned enterprises) integrated with digital business transformation for the MSME, and a virtual expo to display and promote curated MSME products.

BBI Bukittinggi

Bukittinggi is a small historical and cultural city in West Sumatra province. It was once appointed as the provisional capital of Indonesia when the criminal armed forces of the Netherlands occupied Yogyakarta (i.e. also the provisional capital of Indonesia). The elegant city is located amidst Bukit Barisan mountain, just between Mt Marapi dan Mt Singgalang — giving it a perfect weather, at least for me.

Bukittinggi hosted BBI this month, organised by OJK. It was a special BBI event, since it was attended by the Vice President of Indonesia, and it hosted the launch of the awaited BBI Virtual Expo, designed and provided by Telkom.

The event was carried out at the courtyard of Jam Gadang — the famous clock tower of Bukittinggi.

IMT-GT eCommerce Tech Planning

When I was in Kupang (May 25th), I was invited by the Coordinative Ministry of Economy (Kemko-Ekon) and Ministry of ICT to discuss the implementation of IMT-GT e-Commerce plan. I presented some options we might choose using PADI UMKM as a national hub connected to the IMT-GT Mall. But then the Government addressed us to propose PADI UMKM as the core platform of the IMT-GT e-Commerce program instead.

On the next IMT-GT JBC (Joint Business Council) Meeting (May 28th), we stated the proposal to take over the development and operation of IMT-GT core platform with some alternative business models. At that time, Thailand expressed their dissatisfaction on the business operation plan of the IMT-GT Mall from Malaysia. Also the CIMT (Centre of the IMT-GT Cooperation) mentioned that PADI UMKM has been in operation since last year, while IMT-GT Mall from Malaysia is still in development plan stage.

Today (June 4th) we continue the JBC Meeting with CIMT. Malaysia has stated their desire to maintain their role as IMT-GT e-Commerce hub as decided in 2019; and representing Indonesia, I have agreed to let them continue leading this program with this determined timeline. PADI UMKM will continue to support as the connection between Indonesia MSMEs and the IMT-GT Mall. I also proposed that the operation of each national hub will be independent, so each country may have different business models in designing the operation business of the e-Commerce program. For example, JBC Malaysia prefers that the operation will be carried out by private sector; while Indonesia prefers to use MSME ecosystem program. This result will be reported on the next Convergence Meeting, scheduled on July.

BBI for 2021

At this special BBI coordinative meeting, the Coordinative Minister of Maritime & Invesment reminded us that the program expansion to leverage the MSME & national product should be accelerated in 2021; and the programs would include the quality improvement for the MSME & their products. Some MSMEs must be leveraged to the class of artisans, whose products will have better quality than the industry comparisons.

Telkom, with its definitive role as the architect of the platform-based digital ecosystem for MSME business will expand the digital market for the MSME, including generating and promoting a wider market demand for the MSME products & services. Some horizontal and vertical integrations have been planned to ensure the MSME economy will be part of national development strategy; and some new services could be established, including financing, certification, quality improvement, export facilities, etc.

BBI Q4/2020

BBI (Bangga Buatan Indonesia) is a coordinative & collaborative programs to improve the economy and commercialisation of national products with special emphasis on MSME products, led by the Government of Indonesia — in this case the Coordinative Minister of Maritime and Investment (Menkomarves). Telkom is actively involved in this program via its MSME Digital Ecosystem programs, incl PADI UMKM and Rumah BUMN.

This year, some footholds have been established, including the BBI program itself, PADI UMKM & Bela Pengadaan, and some programs related to MSME in Creative Economy and Maritime & Fishery. For Telkom, the main role is to build, establish, and expand the platform-based digital ecosystem for MSME business, including their development and economic improvement.

The next thing to do is to build a context for integration among those separated systems and applications, to establish a real ecosystem supported with integrated information and platform, where all programs and activities could provide mutual support in leveraging different segments of MSMEs, including small and medium business in agriculture, fishery, forestry, creative industry, etc.

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